Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Attitude Adjustment

I had a woman come in for training, she was studying for a degree and thought she was more qualified because she had read all about it but had never done a day of hands on work in her life. I was her supervisor but she had age over me and her so called "experience" out of her text books. She was upsetting my staff and the clients and trying to override my decisions. Finally i had had enough. She only had two days remaining with us but no way would she let up..and this was long hours and physically and mentally tiring. At the end of the day we all sat around and had a coffee for hand over time. I voluteered to make the coffee's. I stirred a half of a pack of chocolate laxatives into hers and told her it was mocha chocolate...she gulped it down and asked for another....fearing a real mishap i told her that was all i had but made her another coffee.
The next moning i bagan my shift sure that I would get a phone call telling me she had the runs and must have caught a tummy bug and couldnt come in. I was a little guilty and worried...but looking forward to a peaceful day without miss "know it all".
But brighter and earlier than ever she arrived , with a huge smile on her face, "good morning" she smiles yawning and stretching with a renewed look of relaxation on her face. "I have had the best sleep i have had in ages she said" and went about her work with renewed vigor but less of the forceful approach she had initially come with. He last two days were the best...and she went away thanking me profusely for a great experience...i was still thrilled to see the back of her......but to this day i have to laugh that i did her a favour rather than an injustice....she obviously had a lot "crap bottled up inside".....haha

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