Monday, September 04, 2006

Customer Service Please

I once worked as a customer service representative for a cable company.One day I got a call from a man asking me just random questions relating to his account.I should point out that we were told if a customer called with legitimate questions about his/her account and we hung up on them, for any reason, we'd get wrote up.
Not too long into the call, I heard some heaving breathing and a friction type sound. It turns out that the man was WHACKING OFF!! while on the phone with me and then telling me how hot it was getting in the room.
I started reading comments that other representatives made on his account. He calls until he gets a female on the line and does this until they hung up on him or get their supervisor. I put him on hold and reported it to my supervisor, but she didn't do anything about it and told me again, I would get wrote up if I hung up on him.
Eventually someone talked me into just hanging up and apparently the supervisors weren't monitoring that call, so I didn't get in trouble.

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