Monday, July 03, 2006

Pantyhose Inspector

My former (Thank God!) boss was obsessed about his female employees wearing pantyhose. As the County prosecutor, he was responsible for the prosecution of felony know, murder, rape, big stuff. And how did he spend his time? Sending his assistant out to walk the cubicles and make sure all the females had on pantyhose. A good friend of mine stopped wearing them during the summer. Knowing our boss, she got a preemptive note from her doctor saying she had an allergy to pantyhose. Sure enough, within a few weeks she was called into a meeting with her supervisor and the head of human resources. The HR lady asked her why she wasn't wearing hose, and my friend produced a copy of her doctor's note. Our boss wanted the original - not going to happen - and actually called her doctor himself, to verify the note. The following week, my friend was stopped by the head of the the Civil division (a very funny, older attorney) who exclaimed "We had a 2 hour meeting about your underwear!" Turns out our boss made his entire civil division research what he could legally do to force my friend to wear pantyhose. Yep, tax dollars at work. Another time he went on a 3 day rampage because the printers were sealing envelopes and we had to tape them shut. He would scream at people routinely, having huge tantrums at the drop of a hat. Oh, and his birthday was a major event. EVERYONE (we had over 200 employees) was expected to produce a card and gather to sing to him. Gifts scored you extra points. He even fired one prosecutor because he had a blog. What a great guy!

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