Monday, June 26, 2006

Pissed Off...or On?

I worked in an office that had been set up in a converted store front on a busy and kinda sleazy block in a major city. Although there was always a fair amount of crime going in on, we were well protected since we always had the local beat cop sleeping in our basement...ok, thats a lie, he wasnt always sleeping, sometimes he'd be talking on the phone or watching tv. Often we'd bide the time by trying to guess which hookers were really guys. Anway, one day I was sitting at my desk, feeling sorry for myself having this lousy job, in this crappy neighborhood when a poorly dressed guy shuffled up to the window right in front of my desk and mere INCHES away from me, seperated by only a thine pane of glass, unzips and takes a leak right on the window, aiming in my direction. To this day, I'm not certain if he was a homeless drunk or perhaps an customer making a statement.

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